Board of Editors

Editorial Board

  1. Prof. Bhupa P. Dhamla, PhD Editor-in-Chief

Bhupa Prasad Dhamala is retired Professor of English who worked at Tribhuvan University, Nepal for 32 years including the last 3 years as the Director of the Center for International Relations. He has been awarded PhD degree on Critical Analysis of Prominent Nepalese Political Discourses. He has authored 6 reference books based on research and 32 research articles on language, literature, and culture. Likewise, he has written more than 24 newspaper articles on language, politics, and contemporary issues published in Rising Nepal, Kathamndu Post, and The Himalayan. He has also published a number of poems and essays written in Nepali. His chief interest area in research is critical analysis of political discourse.

Prof. Dhamala is the founder Chairman of Molung Foundation, a research institution that publishes books on various disciplines and scholarly journals named Molung Educational Frontier and Molung Research Journal.  He has been working as the Editor-in-Chief of these journals since 2010. Previously he had also edited the journals named Pursuit and Patan Gyansagar while working at TU Patan Campus.

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2.  Prof. Shambhu P. Khatiwada, PhD  Editor

Shambhu Prasad Khatiwada is a Professor of Geography Education, Central Department of Education at Tribhuvan University, Nepal for 31 years. He has been working as the Department Head and the Chairman of Social Studies Subject Committee at faculty of Education, TU for the last 4 years. He has earned PhD degree on spatial patterns of agro-based livelihoods of the community of the Tankhuwakhola watershed, eastern hills of Nepal. He is involving in the curriculum development, and compiling manuals and compendiums of various subjects of Geography and Social Studies for Bachelors, Masters and MPhil Levels. He is guiding some PhD students. Likewise, he has been involved in more than 15 research projects and report preparation and writing newspaper articles contemporary issues published in Agradip (a local newspaper) in Dhankuta.

Prof. Khatiwada also worked in a human rights organization as a Chairperson in Dhankuta district. He is one of the members of editorial team of Molung Educational Frontier and Molung Research Journal.  He has been working as the Editor-in-Chief of the Third Pole, a journal of Geography since 2018.His chief interest area in research is right-based development approach and governance; society-space relationships and marginality.

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3. Prof. Shyam Bdr. Katuwal, PhD         Editor

Shyam Bahadur Katuwal is Professor of Management at Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal with more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in the field of management education. During the tenure, he had also served as the Dean and Subject Committee member in the Faculty of Management, Purbanchal University, Nepal, Chairperson of the Subject Committee of Bachelor in Public Service and Governance ( BPSG)- an autonomous program of Padmakanya Multiple Campus, TU. Presently, He is the Chairperson of the Research Management Cell (RMC), Member of the Examination Management Committee of BPSG and Editor in Chief of the Voice of Teacher, a research journal and has been involved as the Editorial/ Advisory Board Members of different research journals published in Nepal and aboard. Prof. Katuwal has also served as the Supervisor of the PhD and Master level students and the Examiner of the PhD thesis. He has published 60 research/ general articles in national and international journals along with the publications of 18 books in the field of management and allied subjects. He has been working as the Editorial Board Member in the journals published by Molung Foundation. His research interest is on the issues of human resource management, organizational behavior, industrial relations, marketing, general management, social and developmental issues. 

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4. Prof. Chakrapani Luitel, PhD            Editor

Chakrapani Luitel is retired Professor of Economics who worked at Tribhuvan University, Nepal for 30 years. He had been awarded PhD degree on Role of Livestock in Economic Development of Nepal in 2005. He has authored 6 reference books and 31 text books, 38 research articles on economics, rural development, cooperatives and social studies education. Likewise, he has written more than 40 newspaper articles on contemporary economic issues published Karobar daily, Abhiyan daily, and Gorkhapatra daily at different times. Prof. Luitel is the lifelong member and at this time member of the research committee of Molung Foundation, a research institution that publishes books on various disciplines and scholarly journals named Molung Educational Frontier and Molung Research Journal.  He has been working as the editor of Molung Educational Frontier. Previously he had also edited the journals named Humanities and Social Science Journal, an interdisciplinary journal published by Ratna Rajya Laxmi Campus, Tribhuvan Universirsity.  His chief interest areas in research are rural development, cooperative, and food security relating with economic issues.

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5. Prof. Khem N. Poudyal, PhD      Editor

Khem N. Poudyal is Professor of Physics at Tribhuvan University with 30 years of teaching experiences up to PhD level. Being a supervisor of more than 30 MSc thesis writing students, he is now supervising 4 PhD research students. He has also worked as Assistant Director of Center for Energy Studies, Deputy Director of the Center for Pollution Studies. He has done several research works and published more than 60 articles in national and international journals in different subjects and issues relating to Physics, Energy, Atmospheric Sciences, and Climate Change.
Prof. Poudyal has worked as a referee of international journals and edited articles published in Science and Future and Journal of Nepal Physical Society. Presently he is the editor of Molung Educational Frontier published by Molung Foundation, a research institution and the life member of Nepal Physical Society Nepal, Society of Hydrologist and Meteorologist and IEEE Senior Member No. 90587132. He was also the member of International Conference Organized Committee RETRUD- 03 and SAHR-2011.
Previously, he was the visiting scholar at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA in 2005 and a visiting lecturer at the University of Sannio, Benevento Italy. He had received Erasmus Mundus European Union Scholarship in 2010. Likewise, he got Training on The management of Environmental Pollution, Renewable Energy in 2004 in Colorado School of Mines, Golden Colorado USA and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Colorado, USA.

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